Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tecnu Extreme/Asolo at the pre race testing out the course

Here's the team in Malaysia yesterday doing the pre-testing. Word is that they saw a 6 inch scorpion running around that got them excited to play in the jungle. The race starts tonight at 6pm West coast time which translates into Wednesday at 10 am over there. Tecnu Extreme/Asolo, and a swedish and finnish team should be the favorites to win the race, so the teams go their work cut out but we are ready to race. The team ran the course today and got their strategy going for todays stage. Most of the teams were struggling badly practicing for the inline skate section so the race director decided to throw it out for todays stage due to a safety factor ad seeing most teams struggle practicing on a downhill section to a bridge. We of course are bummed because we are pretty good on skates and was looking forward to kicking teams butts on that leg. Thankfully the race director lengthenned the 2nd stages inline skating section from 4km to 8km's so the team can still pull away and make up some time on a leg where they feel pretty comfortable in our new Rollerblade 90's and killer new Leki inline skating poles. Last night was a banquet to honor the teams complete with dignitaries and traditional dancing. Word on the street was that the King of Pelak was in attendance, so Malaysia is treating the team literally, like Kings. Mari says " Lets get on with it! Lets race already!" More later. Rock on! Go team!

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